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Vehicle Innovation

Driving New Ideas

At Enterprise Mobility, we embrace new vehicle technology. 我们正在帮助推动移动出行选择进入市场的BET9九州体育娱乐入口和突破.


As a leader in the mobility industry, we’re already providing our customers with increasingly more dependable, efficient and sustainable choices. But that’s just the beginning. 了解我们如何追踪新想法,从基层开始推进移动性,同时为客户提供最新运输技术的第一手体验.  

Electric Vehicles

Though electric vehicle (EV) adoption is still in its early phases, market shares and global demand for EVs are continuing to grow at a steady pace, 我们正在探索战略解决方案,以成功地在我们的车队中实施电气化.   

As a global mobility leader, we have not only embraced the transition to electrification, but we are also committed to doing so in a thoughtful way. At Enterprise Mobility, 我们正在解决交通运输转型的复杂性,将客户放在第一位,并与其他公司合作,有目的地投资基础设施,以支持我们共同建设的可持续未来.  

Our business can play a unique role in introducing customers to EVs. 许多人把租车作为一种扩展的试驾,有机会体验新车和汽车技术. 我们在建立消费者意识和帮助理解这项技术方面处于有利地位. 我们庞大的汽车租赁和移动线路为市场曝光提供了机会.   

We’re taking a comprehensive approach to build a viable EV strategy. For example, 为了为每个人创造价值,电动汽车需要一个强大且经过深思熟虑的基础设施. That’s why we’re bringing together city, state and federal officials, as well as electric utilities, 基础设施提供商和其他合作伙伴根据本地化的客户需求在选定的市场实施试点计划, infrastructure and vehicle availability among other factors.

Electrifying Airport Ecosystems Study

Enterprise Mobility and Xcel Energy collaborated to explore the future electric power needs of U.S. 机场和通过“电气化机场生态系统研究”为其生态系统做出贡献的行业.“这项研究的结果强调了跨行业合作和伙伴关系的必要性,以实施机场电力基础设施的必要升级,以满足未来的运营, cargo and passenger needs. 点击下面访问执行摘要和该合作研究的完整报告.

Connected Cars


联网汽车配备了能够将指定车辆数据从租赁车辆发送到Enterprise的技术. 通过采用这项技术,我们正在开发更加无缝的客户交易.   

Technology in these vehicles allows us to streamline fuel level readings, 里程表读数和其他统计数据,以消除需要一个代表进入车辆. This makes the check-in and check-out process more efficient for customers.    

We have more than 525,000 connected cars in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom — with more on the horizon. 随着我们不断将联网汽车加入我们的车队,并引入新的技术和功能, the opportunities to bring enhanced experiences to our customers will be limitless.   

The future of connected cars will not only advance the driving experience, but also the entire transportation ecosystem.   

BET9九州体育娱乐入口,快速有效地向数百万驾驶员介绍新的燃料和车辆技术. In addition to local car rental, 我们的移动出行解决方案网络为广大消费者提供了出行选择.

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Autonomous Vehicles


There is incredible potential behind every innovation, 这就是为什么企业移动正在与其他公司合作,探索新汽车技术的好处. In particular, 我们正在积极与移动出行领域的合作伙伴进行合作,以测试和评估自动驾驶汽车(AVs)如何为每个人创造更好的体验. Through these ongoing collaborations, we’re always finding ways to meaningfully harness new breakthroughs as they emerge, so we can provide these technologies to our customers. Stay tuned to see what’s ahead for all of us.


Virtual Car


60多年来,Enterprise一直致力于为人们的生活和工作提供移动解决方案,并将继续这样做. Forty years after our founding in 1957, Enterprise Rent-A-Car trademarked the term Virtual Car® 作为一种捕捉当地汽车租赁的力量和能量的方式-无论是一个小时, day, week or longer. 早在1997年,企业就在多伦多一家报纸上刊登了“虚拟汽车”的广告. Today, 我们通过BET9九州体育娱乐入口,快速有效地向数百万驾驶员介绍新的燃料和车辆技术. In addition to local car rental, 我们的移动出行解决方案网络为广大消费者提供了出行选择.

Electric Vehicle (EVs) FAQ: 

我们从不同的制造商那里购买电动汽车,并继续与许多合作伙伴合作,因为环境继续快速发展. Our current North American EV fleet includes vehicles from Tesla, Polestar, Nissan, Hyundai and Kia with others on the way. They are available in select locations.

Just like all rental vehicles, EV rates are determined by several supply and demand factors including location, dates of travel, length of rental and availability, as well as when the reservation was made. Rates are noted online where EVs are available. 

客户可以通过Enterprise查看可用性并预订电动汽车, National or Alamo by going online or calling to make a reservation. 

当车主拥有车辆时,他们有责任支付自己的充电费用,而公共电动汽车充电的接入因市场而异, as does the cost to use the chargers. Some charging stations are free and others have a higher cost, typically dependent on the charging speed. 客户可以连接本地充电网络,以帮助他们在驾驶租赁电动汽车时找到并支付充电费用[例如:PlugShare].com]. 这是我们正在进行的整体研究和学习的一个组成部分,旨在评估我们运营中的电动汽车前景,并了解对我们的客户和业务最有利的长期最佳实践. 

Nine different Enterprise employees, representing a wide range of diversity (gender, race, ethnicity, geographic, etc.), are arranged in a carousel image.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our doors are open. 看看为什么Enterprise最近被福布斯评为多元化最佳雇主之一.  

Ready to Join Our Team?

Ready for your next move? We’re always looking for forward-thinking individuals to join us. Start your journey with Enterprise Mobility today. 

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